On April, 14, 2021, within the INTERADIS project, a meeting organized by the project partners – the Mikolas Romeris University, Lithuania took place.
On April 16, 2021, an online study visit to the East Bavarian Technical University of Amberg-Weiden, Germany took place.
On April 20, 2021, an online training organized by the project coordinator of the Dutch Business Academy, the Netherlands, within the INTERADIS project took place.
28 April 2021 the Online Part of Study Visit organized by University of Foggia, Italy was held in the frameworks of the project INTERADIS “International Students Adaptation and Integration”.
(11-12 лютого 2021)
The first online meeting as a part of WP 6 Dissemination (07.04.2021)
Meeting organized by the project partners - the Mikolas Romeris University (14.04.2021)
Online study visit to the East Bavarian Technical University of Amberg-Weiden (16.04.2021)
Online training organized by the project coordinator of the Dutch Business Academy (20.04.2021)
Online Part of Study Visit organized by University of Foggia (28.04.2021)
(22-26 листопада 2021)
(24-28 липня 2023)
The Study visits of students and staff of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in project INTERADIS (09.09.2023)
A two-week exchange of experience with foreign students, filled with interesting lectures, exciting practical tasks, and presentations of youth initiatives – this is how the new academic year began for two students of Lviv University – Viktoriia Kozyar, a second-year student of the Faculty of Philology, and Anastasiia Pavlenko, a third-year student of the Faculty of Geology. At Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), the INTERADIS project held introductory lectures for young people and demonstrated how foreign students integrate into the universities they chose for exchange. The project coordinators in Lithuania tried to illustrate the adaptation process through vivid presentations, travel, and game-based methods of learning information.
(1-3 жовтня 2023)
(11-13 грудня 2023)
Representatives of Lviv University took part in the “International Vechornytsi” (17-18.05.2024)
On May 17-18, 2024, representatives of Lviv University took part in the “International Vechornytsi” festival, which took place at “KROK” University, as part of the implementation of the INTERADIS/ Integration and adaptation of foreign students project (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL- EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). Delegates of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv were 3-4 year students of the Faculty of Culture and Arts, Anastasia Ivanes and Oleksandr Petryna, as well as VitaliyKuharskyy, Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and IT-Development, and Roksolyana Svizinska, representative of the development and fundraising department.
(22 квітень- 3 травня 2024)
(26-30 серпня 2024)