The collection of articles and theses is prepared based on the materials of the international scientific conference “Institutional, Party, and Electoral Factors of the Political Process in Ukraine and Other European Countries in the Conditions of War and Uncertainty: National, Supranational, and Subnational Levels” – the eighth in the series of international conferences “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (in memory of Yuriy Romanovych Shveda), organized and conducted by the Department of Political Science of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Center for Political Studies in Lviv on November 24–25, 2023.

The collection of articles and theses is organized into sections. It generally addresses the issues of institutional, party, and electoral structuring of the political process, governance and integration into the EU and NATO, the impact of the electoral process on the political and party spheres in conditions of war and uncertainty, the functioning and transformation of parties and CSOs at various levels of politics and governance. The collection will contribute to the understanding of institutions and party-electoral politics under different conditions.

The collection can be downloaded via the link.

Prepared with the financial support of the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program in the direction of “Jean Monnet for Higher Education” (Module “Political Institutions and Systems in Europe: Comparison and Experience for Ukraine”, No. 101126702 – PISE-CEfU – ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH).

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.


We would also like to inform you that you can download and familiarize yourself with the collections and materials of the seven previous international scientific conferences “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” via the link. Stay tuned for our new announcements, including regarding the upcoming ninth international scientific conference, which will be announced soon.