Project coordinator – Wrocław University of Science and Technology, National coordinator – the Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Number: 562013-EPP- 1-2015- 1-PLEPPKA2- CBHE-SP
Programme: Erasmus+KA 2
Countries participating: Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Greece, Netherlands
Duration: 15.10.2015 – 14.10.2018
EU grant: 717 000 euros
Main Goal of the Project:
Contribution to Ukrainian Higher Education Space by implementation the best practices in term of
quality assurance in HEIs, based on ENQUA standards.
Project Objectives:
•Pilot implementation of internal QA systems;
•Pilot implementation of external QA system;
•Contribution to the process of creation National QA standards in UA;
•Popularization of Quality Assurance ideas in HEIs;
•Wider involvement of stakeholders in QA processes.
Specific Objectives:
•To develop tools ensuring functioning of internal and external QA systems;
•To build on the capacity of HEIs and Ministry through training of staff to use QA tools.
establishment of organizational QA infrastructure and piloting internal and external QA models;
•To promote student involvement in university self-assessment processes;
•To make the self-assessment mechanism an integral part of university functioning.
Work plan of the project
Work package 1 (Preparation):
- Forming project work group (WG) for comprehensive analysis of Ukrainian QA system as well as local coordination teams (LCT) and institutional WGs;
- Preparation of report on monitoring of extant state of Ukrainian QA system and/or its attributes;
- Preparation of analytical review of legal environment that regulates QA in Ukrainian higher education;
- Preparation of research report on results of surveys to all Ukrainian HEIs on structure and functionality of internal QA systems;
- Preparation of analytical report on EU partners and countries experience;
- Mapping existing QA system to new legal frame and EU best practices.
Work package 2 (Development):
- Development of training package for CB of HEIs and Ministry staff;
- Carrying-out workshop to finalize training package;
- Carrying-out training of HEI and national QA responsible staff ;
- Development of a typical model of QA organizational structure at HEIs;
- Development and adoption of models of QA organizational structure at each HEI.
Work package 3 (Development):
- Development of Guidelines on policies and procedures for external QA system;
- Elaboration of model for ensuring effective external QA of HEIs educational activity;
- Organization of in-house trainings for the QA responsible staff.
Work package 4 (Development):
- Development of Guidelines (methodology) for HEIs on structure, functions and procedures of internal QA system;
- Development of road maps, QA policies, procedures, tools; standards and criteria for HEI self-assessment at programme and institutional levels;
- Organization of in-house trainings for the QA responsible staff and students.
Work package 5 (Development):
- Establishing HEI board and national QA body expert panel to pilot developed tools;
- Identifying 1 AP at each HEI and 2 HEIs to pilot at programme and institutional level;
- Piloting the QA tools;
- Reviewing the newly developed tools and mechanisms.
Work package 6 (Dissemination/Exploitation):
- Adoption of regulatory framework for QA units at HEIs;
- Adoption of HEI strategy and procedures for QA;
- Design of recommendations to national QA regulations with further approval.
Work package 7 (Dissemination/Exploitation):
- Elaborating dissemination plan;
- Design of project website;
- Organization of information sessions for Ukrainian HEIs;
- Publication of brochures, leaflets;
- Preparing survey to stakeholders, report on results.
Work package 8 (QUALITY):
- Elaborating QCM plan;
- Preparing reports per WP;
- Preparing evaluation reports on developments;
- Preparing analytical reports on feedback from students and faculty.
Work package 9 (Management):
- Signing partnership agreements;
- Establishing project Governing Board and schedule of its meetings;
- Establishing Local Coordination Team, institutional WGs;
- Carrying-out coordination meetings;
- Updating and implementing work plans;
- Managing day-to- day activity and keeping records of activities and results.
Reform cluster (institutional level): QA system development:
- Internal QA system models, tools and procedures at the level of HEI which are compliant with ENQA standards and guidelines,
- Facilitation of students involvement in QA process,
- Self-assessment mechanism aa an integral part of university functioning,
– Analytical report on extant state of QA in HEIs; regulative provisions, structures and procedures with respect to ESG;
– Development of typical model of internal QA system, its organizational infrastructure, mechanisms and tools with further piloting;
– Building capacity of HEIs to practically implement and operate an internal QA systems at academic programme and institutional levels;
– Introduction of self-assessment mechanisms as an integral part of university functioning with broad involvement of students, graduates and employers.
Reform cluster (national level): QA system development:
– National QA policy, regulatory frameworks (including procedures, standards and criteria QA models practical mechanisms, procedures and tools ensuring effective functioning of
external QA system at national (external evaluation level),
– Capacity building of national external evaluation body, including training of staff of
National QAA to use QA tools and set external evaluation methods and criteria.
– Copmrehensive analysis of QA system in Ukraine: legal environment, extant state at HEIs (national survey) with respect to ESG;
– Elaboration of a roadmap for QA system development basing on mapping existing procedures to new legal frame, EU best practice and ESG;
– Development of model for external QA system its organizational infrastructure, mechanisms and tools with further piloting;
– Building capacity of national external evaluation body, including training of staff of newly established National QAA to use QA tools and set external evaluation methods and criteria.
Challenges for full-size implementation of project results:
Institutional level:
– Initial stage of internal QS systems development as well as QA, self-assessment and bench-marking traditions and culture,
– Insufficient capacity and understanding of HEIs of the role of QA system, its functioning and objectives,
– Necessity to change archaic “quality related” approaches to governance at institutional and AP levels, to establish wide interaction with main stakeholders,
– Shift from teachers oriented to student-centered services, teaching and learning.
National level:
– Initial stage of external QS system development at National QA Agency establishment and functioning,
– Unclear situation with external evaluation policy and criteria, absence of mechanisms for ensuring consistency of judgments across institutions.
Prospects of implementation of project results:
Institutional level:
– Establishment of internal QA systems at HEIs stipulated by new legislation and basing on
ESG recommendations;
– Introduction of QA policies, procedures and respective standard criteria for academic
programmes and institutional level;
– Development of interaction activities with main stakeholders- students, graduates and
employers to enhance the quality of APs;
– Continuing capacity building of HEIs staff to operate internal QA tools.
National level:
– Establishment of external QA systems, elaboration of evaluation standards and criteria;
– Adequate functioning of National QA Agency;
– Continuing capacity building of National QAA staff to operate external evaluation tools.