Position: Head of the Department of Political Science

Academic Degree: Doctor of Political Science

Academic Rank: Professor

Work Phone: (032) 239-45-79

Email: anatoliy.romanyuk@lnu.edu.ua

Website: http://filos.lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar: scholar.google.com


Short Biography

Born in 1956. In 1978, graduated with honors from the History Faculty of Ivan Franko Lviv State University. In 1984, defended a candidate dissertation (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences). In 2008, defended a doctoral dissertation (Doctor of Political Science). Total work experience at the university is 38 years. Since 1995, he has been the head of the Center for Political Studies. Author of two monographs and co-author of three. Scientific editor of the semi-annual journal “Studies of Central and Eastern Europe,” published in Poland. Member of two specialized dissertation defense councils. Teaches 5 special courses. Authored 4 educational manuals. Completed internships in the USA, Germany, and Poland.

Research Interests

  • Political parties and party systems
  • Elections and electoral systems
  • Regional political processes
  • Comparative analysis of political systems
  • Contemporary political doctrines

Courses Taught

  1. Evolution of Political Institutions
  2. Management of National and International Projects
  3. Political Doctrines of the 20th and 21st Centuries
  4. Comparative Political Science: Political Institutions and Systems of Western European Countries
  5. Campaign Technology
  6. Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions and Systems of Central and Eastern European Countries


I. Monographs, textbooks, manuals

  1. Romaniuk A. Comparative Analysis of Political Systems in Western European Countries: Institutional Dimension. – Lviv: Triada Plus, 2004. – 392 p.
  2. Romaniuk A. The Presidency Institution in the System of Representative Democracy // Romaniuk A., Shveda Yu. Parties and Electoral Politics. – Lviv: CPD – “Astrolabia”, 2005. – P. 286 – 309.
  3. Romaniuk A. Electoral Systems and Their Political Consequences // Romaniuk A., Shveda Yu. Parties and Electoral Politics. – Lviv: CPD – “Astrolabia”, 2005. – P. 132 – 170.
  4. Romaniuk A. The Presidency Institution in Ukraine // Romaniuk A., Shveda Yu. Parties and Electoral Politics. – Lviv: CPD – “Astrolabia”, 2005. – P. 312 – 349.
  5. Romaniuk A.S. Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions in Western European Countries. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2007. – 391 p.
  6. Romaniuk A.S., Lytvyn V.S. Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions in Visegrad Group Countries and Other Central and Eastern European Countries: Monograph / A.S. Romaniuk, V.S. Lytvyn. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University, 2016. – 548 p.
  7. Romaniuk A. Methodological Foundations of Electoral Research. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Conducting Election Campaigns // Modern Methods and Instruments of Political Science: Collective Monograph (based on the results of a series of theoretical and practical workshops within the project “Improvement of Methods and Instruments of Political Science in Ukraine: the Influence of Visegrad Group Universities” from September 13-15, 2019) / ed. by Vitaliy Lytvyn. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2020. 182–212 (1.8 d.a.).
  8. Romaniuk A., Lytvyn V. Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions and Systems in Western European Countries. Vol. 1. Features of Interinstitutional Relations in the Triangle “Head of State–Parliament–Government” and Their Consequences for the Political Process: Monograph. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University, 2020. 456 p.
  9. Romaniuk A.S. Evolution of Political Institutions. When and Under What Circumstances Did Political Institutions Form?: Educational Manual / Anatoliy Romaniuk. Odesa: Helvetika Publishing House, 2020. 184 p.


II. Scientific Articles Published in Specialized Journals

  1. Romaniuk A.S. Methodological Analysis of Intraparty Conflicts in Ukraine // Problems of Statehood and National-Cultural Revival of Ukraine. Lviv University Bulletin. Social Sciences Series. 1993, Issue 31. – P.41-48.
  2. Romaniuk A. Integration and Disintegration Processes in the Party System of Ukraine // The Future of East-Central Europe. Edited by A. Dumała & Z. J. Pietraś. – Lublin, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press. – P.504 – 509.
  3. Sources of Financing Electoral Campaigns and Political Parties in Ukraine // Behind the Scenes of Political Financing. Edited by Marcin Walecki. – Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2002. – 105 – 115.
  4. Romaniuk A. Christian Democracy: State and Development in the 20th Century // Lviv University Bulletin. Philosophical Sciences. – Issue 5. 2003. – P.324-333.
  5. Romaniuk A. The Impact of Political Party Financing Systems on the Development of Democracy: Global Experience and Ukraine // Romanyuk A.S., Shveda Yu.R., Shumelda Yu.R. Political and Legal Aspects of Political Party Financing: Global Experience and Ukraine. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2003. – P. 54 – 70.
  6. Romaniuk A. The Formation of Comparative Political Science and the Main Features of the Comparative Research Method // Collection of Scientific Papers “Ukrainian National Idea: Realities and Prospects of Development”. – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing. Issue 16. 2005. – P.15-21.
  7. Romaniuk A. Extreme Right Political Parties as a New Family of Political Parties in Western European Countries // Lviv University Bulletin. International Relations Series. – 2005. – Issue 15. – P.131-141.
  8. Romaniuk A. Essence and Basic Approaches to Defining Socio-Political Divisions // Bulletin. Socio-Humanitarian Problems of a Human. – Lviv. 2005. No. 1. – P.41-47.
  9. Romaniuk A. New Institutionalism and the Concept of an Institution in Political Science // Lviv University Bulletin. Series: Philosophical Sciences. – 2006. – Issue 9. – P.190 – 199.
  10. Romaniuk A. Minority Governments in the System of Governments of Western European Countries // Lviv University Bulletin. International Relations Series. – 2006. – Issue 17. – P.88 – 94.
  11. Romaniuk A. Advantages and Problems of the First-Past-The-Post Electoral System: The Case of the United Kingdom // Lviv University Herald. International Relations Series. – 2006. – Issue 18. – P. 79-86.
  12. Romaniuk A. The Phenomenon of Minority Governments in Western European Countries // Ukrainian National Idea: Realities and Prospects of Development. Collection of Scientific Works. – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House. 2006, No. 17. – P. 24-27.
  13. Romaniuk A. The Role of Prime Minister in Western European Countries // Ukrainian National Idea: Realities and Prospects of Development. Collection of Scientific Works. – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House. 2006, No. 18. – P. 184-189.
  14. Romaniuk A. Comparative Analysis of the Powers of the Presidents of Ukraine and Western European and U.S. Countries // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy. – Uzhhorod: Hoverla Uzhhorod National University Publishing House. 2006. Issue 4. – P. 200-205.
  15. Romaniuk A., Polishchuk Kh. Development of Comparative Middle Eastern Studies // Hrani. Scientific-Theoretical and Socio-Political Almanac. – 2007. No. 1 (51). – P. 135-139.
  16. Romaniuk A. Comparative Analysis of the Stability of Governments in Ukraine and European Countries with a Semi-Presidential System of Government // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 5-6. – Uzhhorod: Hoverla Uzhhorod National University Publishing House. 2007. – P. 390-395.
  17. Hayduk Y., Romaniuk A. Political System of Contemporary Ukraine and Western European Democracies: Comparative Analysis // Politology and International Relations, 2007, #2. – P. 276-283.
  18. Romaniuk A. Evaluation of Proportionality in Electoral Systems of Western European Countries and Ukraine: Comparative Aspect // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission. 2007. No. 2(8). – P. 58-63.
  19. Romaniuk A. Typology of Cabinet Governments in Western European Countries: Comparative Analysis // Lviv University Herald. Philosophy Series. – 2007. – Issue 10. – P. 235-244.
  20. Romaniuk A. Socio-Political Division of the “New Politics” in Western European Countries // Political Bulletin. Collection of Scientific Works. – Kyiv: “INTAS”, 2007. – Issue 27. – P. 239-253.
  21. Romaniuk A. Evaluation of the Advantages and Problems of the Proportional Electoral System: The Case of Western European Countries and the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine in 2006 // Elections and Democracy. – 2006, No. 3 (9). – P. 4-10.
  22. Romaniuk A. Main Trends in the Changes of Party Systems in Western European States // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 7-8. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”, 2007. – P.212 – 218.
  23. Romaniuk A. The Institution of the President in Ukraine // Contemporary Ukraine / Ł. Donaj, A. Romaniuk. – Łódź: Higher School of International Studies, 2007. – P.7 – 38.
  24. Romaniuk A. Ukraine after the Elections // “Ukraine – EU. 2008. A New Game”. Independent Cultural Journal “Yi”. – 2007. – No. 50. – P.201-208.
  25. Romaniuk A. Comparative Analysis of the Main Forms of Political Participation of Citizens in Western European Countries // Viche. – 2008, No. 1. – P.44 – 47.
  26. Romaniuk A. Christian-Democratic Parties in Western European Countries as a Type of Conservative Parties // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 9. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”, 2008. – P.150-154.
  27. Romaniuk A. Fascism // World History: 20th Century. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. by Igor Pidkova and Roman Shust. – Lviv: Litopys, 2008. – P.861- 862.
  28. Romaniuk A. The Political Dimension of the Concept of “Government Party” in Western European Countries // Scientific Works: Scientific and Methodological Journal. Vol. 79. Issue 66. Political Science. – Mykolaiv: Publishing House of P. Mohyla Mykolaiv State University, 2008. – P.22 – 26.
  29. Romaniuk A. Immigration to Western European Countries. Political Consequences // Bulletin of Lviv University. International Relations Series. – 2007, Issue 23. – P.111-122.
  30. Romaniuk A. The Political Doctrine of Nationalism // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 11. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”, 2009. – P.261-268.
  31. Romaniuk A. The Political Doctrine of Populism // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 12. – Uzhgorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”, 2009. – P.223-228.
  32. Romaniuk A. The Institution of Cohabitation and the Political Consequences of Its Implementation in Ukraine / Anatoliy Romaniuk, Volodymyr Melnyk // Contemporary Ukrainian Politics: Politicians and Political Scientists About It. – 2009. – Issue 17. – P. 69-73.
  33. Romaniuk A. The Coexistence Situation in Central and Eastern European Countries and Their Political Consequences // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 13. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”. 2009. – P.146 – 149.
  34. Romaniuk A. The Political Doctrine of Feminism in the 20th Century // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 13. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”. 2009. – P.339 – 345.
  35. Romaniuk A. The Political Doctrine of Conservatism // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 14. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”. 2010. – P.254 – 259.
  36. Romaniuk A. The Electoral System of Ukraine // Transformation in Poland and Ukraine. Selected Aspects. Edited by Andrzej Antoszewski, Antonina Kolodia, Krzysztof Kowalczyk / Тransformation in Poland and Ukraine. Selected Aspects. Edited by Andrzej Antoszewski, Antonina Kolodia, Krzysztof Kowalczyk. – Wrocław, 2010. – P.159-170.
  37. Romaniuk A. Key Stages in the Development of Political Thought in the 20th Century. // Lviv University Bulletin. Series: Philosophical-Political Studies. 2010. Issue 1. – P.19-28.
  38. Romaniuk A. The Electoral Niche of Right-Wing Parties in Ukraine in the Context of the Situation in Western, Eastern, and Central European Countries // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 15. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”. 2010. – P.100 – 105.
  39. Romaniuk A. National Minorities in the Lviv Region // Regional Studies, 2011, No. 1. – P.52 – 56.
  40. Romaniuk A. Comparative Analysis of the Results of the Presidential Election Campaigns of 2004 and 2010 in the Context of Regionalization in Ukraine // Europa regionόw. Edited by Michał Gołoś, Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka. – Publisher: Adam Marszałek, 2011. – P.143 – 150.
  41. Romaniuk A. The Conceptual Characteristics of Coexistence and Its Implementation in Central European and Ukrainian Countries // Political Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Z. Białobłocki and A. Romanyuk. – Kutno, 2012. – P.213-222.
  42. Romaniuk A. Populism and the Development of the Party System in Ukraine // The Party System in Contemporary Ukraine: Evolution, Trends, and Development Prospects: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, November 24-25, 2011. – Kyiv: IPIEND, 2012. – P.242-258.
  43. Romaniuk A. Head of State, Prime Minister, State, National Security, State Sovereignty, Coalition of States, People’s Democracy, Parliamentarism, Parliamentary Majority, Parliamentary Minority, Parliamentary Control, “Party of Power,” Police State, Government Party // Political Encyclopedia. Ed. by Yu. Levenets (Chairman), Yu. Shapoval (Deputy Chairman), et al. – Kyiv: Parliamentary Publishing House, 2012. – P.143, 150, 198-199, 200-201, 203-204, 335, 477, 539, 540, 541, 543, 597-598, 740.
  44. Romaniuk A. Factors in the Formation and Functioning of Populism in Ukraine // Political Development of Central and Eastern European States. Edited by Z. Białobłocki and A. Romanyuk. – Kutno, 2012. – P.29-40.
  45. Romaniuk A.S. Comparative Analysis of the Presidency Institute in Central-Eastern European Countries // Education of the Region: Political Science. Psychology. Communication. – 2012, No. 3. – P. 60-66.
  46. A. Romaniuk, Government in Ukraine: Between Non-Partisan and Partisan Formats, A. Gyl, T. Stempnevski [Eds.], Before the Election. The Future of Ukraine in Conditions of Systemic Destabilization, IEŚW, Lublin, Lviv, Kyiv 2013, p. 249-267.
  47. Romaniuk A. Evolution of European International Party Structures Development// Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Political Science, Philosophy. Issue 16. – Uzhhorod: Publishing House of Uzhhorod National University “Hoverla”. 2013. – P. 82-87.
  48. Romaniuk A. Ideological Markers of Programs and Electoral Manifestos of Parliamentary Parties in Ukraine (Based on the Results of the 2012 Parliamentary Elections)// Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine 2012. Scientific Research. – Kyiv: IPEHR of I.F. Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2013. – P. 94-106.
  49. Romaniuk A. Grand Coalitions in the Context of Majority Coalition Governments: Conceptualization, Political Reasons, and Consequences in the Example of Parliamentary Democracies in Europe// Scientific Notes of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies named after I.F. Kuras NAS of Ukraine. – 2013, No. 2 (64) – P. 473-503 (co-authored with V. Litvin).
  50. Romaniuk A.S. Paradox of Political Positioning/Identification of Inhabitants of Lviv Region and Parties // Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2014, #1. – P. 7-12.
  51. Romaniuk A., Litwin W. The Technique of Applying the “Sanitary Cordon” to Radical Parties in Central and Eastern European Countries// Politological Ukrainian-Polish Studies. Issue 4. – Zhytomyr-Kyiv-Krakow: FOP Yevhenok O.O., 2014. – P. 130-144.
  52. Romaniuk A.S. Measurement of President’s Authorities in Central and Eastern Europe Using Formalized Indicators// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2014, #2. – P. 247-255.
  53. Romaniuk A. Evolution of Political Opposition in Ukraine// Politeja. Ukrainian Studies. – Krakow, 2015, #2(34/1). – P. 5-24.
  54. Romaniuk A. Formation and Evaluation of Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2015, #3. – P. 274-285.
  55. Romaniuk A. Application of the “Sanitary Cordon” Technique to Radical Parties in Western European Countries: Consequences and Implications for Ukraine / Vitaliy Litvin, Anatoliy Romanyuk // Scientific Notes of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies named after I.F. Kuras NAS of Ukraine. – 2015. – No. 3 (77). – P. 274–302.
  56. Romaniuk A. Peculiarities of the 2015 Local Elections in Lviv Region// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2015, #4. – P. 197-204.
  57. Romaniuk A. Construction of Majority and Minority in Modern Systems of Nationwide Presidential Elections: Comparative Analysis / Vitaliy Litvin, Anatoliy Romanyuk // Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Political Science”. – 2015. – Issue 28. – P. 5-21.
  58. Romaniuk A. Media Parties in Ukraine: a Phenomenon or an Isolated Incident// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2016, #5. – P. 10-19.
  59. Litvin V.S., Romaniuk A.S. Conceptualization and Theoretical Distinction of the Notions “Form of Government” and “System of Government” in Political Science. – Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov. Series Political Science and Teaching Methods of Social and Political Disciplines [Ed. by O.V. Babkina]. – Issue 20: Collection of Scientific Papers. – Kyiv: Publishing House of NPU named after M.P. Dragomanov, 2016. – P. 28-33.
  60. Romaniuk A.S. Ivan Franko Lviv National University// Political Science in Ukraine. 1991-2016: 2 Volumes. Volume 1. Political Science: Western Trends of Development and Ukrainian Specifics / NAS of Ukraine, I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies; Ed. Board: NAS correspondent O. Pafalsky (Chair), Dr. of Political Sciences M. Karmazina, Dr. of Historical Sciences O. Maiboroda; Intro. O. Rafalsky; Ed. and Comp. M. Karmazina. – Kyiv: Parliamentary Publishing House, 2016. – P. 451-466.
  61. Romaniuk A. Regional Dimension of the Political Process in Ukraine: Transformation or Formation?// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2016, #6. – P. 8-18.
  62. Romaniuk A. Evolution of Ukraine citizens’ attitude towards the USSR and Russia in the context of the annexation of Crimea and warfare in Donbas over the years 2014-2017// Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2017, #7. – P. 7-17.
  63. Romanyuk A. Inter-party democracy as a democracy development factor in Ukraine // Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2017, #8. – P. 7-15.
  64. Romaniuk A. Intraparty Democracy as a Factor in the Development and Evaluation of Political Parties in Ukraine// Lviv University Bulletin. Philosophical and Political Studies. – 2018, Issue 18. – P. 354-362.
  65. Romaniuk A. Peculiarities of structural construction and ideological positioning of the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” // Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2018, #10. – P. 6-19.
  66. Romaniuk A., Litwin V. Historical and Current Geopolitical Positioning of Ukraine: Is it Central or Eastern Europe? // Politeja. – 2018: 15 (6(57). – P. 149-167.
  67. Romaniuk A. Shift in electoral support at the 2019 presidential and snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine // Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. – Semi-Annual, 2019, #11. – P. 6-15.
  68. Romaniuk A. Features of electoral volatility at the regional level in Ukraine according to the results of the parliamentary elections of 2012/2014 and 2014/2019 // Studium of Central and Eastern Europe. 2020. Nr. 13. – P. 6-15.
  69. Lytvyn V., Romaniuk A., Osadchuk I. Attributes, Logics, and Reasons for the Choice of Semi-Presidentialism: A Verification and Systematization on the Example of European Countries // Romanian Political Science Review. Studia Politica. 2020. Vol. XX. N4. – P. 469-498.

III. Articles in Other Academic Publications

  1. Monarchy // Ukrainian Variants. – 1998, No. 2 (4). – P. 92 – 97.
  2. Romaniuk A. Electoral Coalitions – A Springboard to Parliament for Small Parties?// Wostok. – 1998, #2/98. – P. 38-42.
  3. Alphabet of Ukrainian Politics: Handbook. Head Author. Collective Authorship of M. Tomenko. – Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 1998. – 230 p. (Co-authored).
  4. Western Europe: Political Handbook – Lviv: CPD of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 1999. – 39 p.
  5. The Institute of the Presidency in the World. Who is Who// Eds.: Romanjuk A., Skochylas L., Shveda Y. – Lviv: CPD, 1999. – 85 p.
  6. Comparative Analysis of Positions and Competencies of Presidents in Western European Countries // The Institute of the Presidency in the World. Who is Who. / Eds.: Romanjuk A., Skochylas L., Shveda Y. – Lviv: CPD, 1999. – P. 4 – 15.
  7. Sources of Financing Election Campaigns and Political Parties in Ukraine // Behind the Scenes of Political Financing. Edited by Marcin Walecki. – Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2002. – P. 105 – 115.
  8. Political Consequences of Using a Proportional Electoral System in the March 2006 Parliamentary Elections // Political Parties in Lviv Region on the Eve of the 2006 Elections: A Handbook-Guide / Compiled by A.S. Romanjuk, L.S. Skochylas. – Lviv: CPD of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2005. – P. 7 – 12.
  9. Political and Legal Aspects of Political Party Financing: Global Experience and Ukraine//Liberation Path, Book 4, 2005. P. 22-29.
  10. Electoral Systems and Their Political Consequences// Romanjuk A., Shveda Y. Parties and Electoral Politics. – Lviv: CPD – “Astrolabe”, 2005. – P. 132-170.
  11. The Institute of the President in Ukraine // Romaniuk A., Shveda Y. Parties and Electoral Politics. – Lviv: CPD – “Astrolabe”, 2005. – P. 312-349.
  12. 2006 Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine and the Prospects of the Party System // Czech Republic. Poland. Ukraine. Parties and Party Systems. Status and Prospects / Eds. K. Kowalczyk, Ł. Tomczak. – Toruń: Adam Marszalek Publishing House, 2007. – P. 123 – 130.
  13. Romaniuk A. Goals and Preconditions for Further Modification of Ukraine’s Electoral System in the Context of Comparative Analysis // Ways to Optimize the Electoral System for Parliamentary and Local Elections in Ukraine: Reports, Speeches. Roundtable Materials. – Kyiv: PC “Foliant”, 2007. – P. 103 – 108.
  14. Romaniuk A. Formation of the Regional Format of the Political Process: The Case of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Ternopil Regions // Current Issues in Political Science. Issue 4. – Uzhhorod, 2018. – P. 31-51.
  15. Romaniuk A. Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in 2019: Campaign Features, Citizen Choice Factors, Consequences for the Country // National Security and Defense. – 2018, No. 3-4 (175-176). – P. 102 – 104.
  16. Romaniuk A.S. Indicators of Regional Parties in Ukraine and Their Positioning in the Party System// Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices: Collection of Articles and Abstracts Based on the Results of the Scientific Conference “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (in Memory of Yuri Romanovych Shveda) on November 3, 2018/ Ed. by A. Romanjuk, V. Litvin, I. Osadchuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019. – Issue 3. – P. 7-15.
  17. Romaniuk A.S. Current Stage of Development of the Party System in Ukraine: Main Trends // Party System of Ukraine after 2019: Features and Prospects for Development. – Kyiv, 2020. – P. 100-103.

IV. Textbooks and Educational Publications

  1. Fundamentals of Political Science (lecture course): Vdovychin I.Ya., Denysenko V.M., Zakhar I.S., Kashuba M.V., Kukhta B.L., Polischuk M.V., Romaniuk A.S., Staretska L.I., Tkachenko G.I., Uhyrin L.Ya.- Lviv, 1991.- Part I. – 142 p. (1.0 sheet).
  2. Fundamentals of Political Science (lecture course): Vdovychin I.Ya., Denysenko V.M., Zakhar I.S., Kashuba M.V., Kukhta B.L., Polischuk M.V., Romaniuk A.S., Staretska L.I., Tkachenko G.I., Uhyrin L.Ya.- Lviv, 1991.- Part II.- 136 p. (1.5 sheets).
  3. Fundamentals of Political Science: Lecture Course edited by B. Kukhta. – Part 1: From the History of Political Thought: from Antiquity to the Present Day/ B. Kukhta, A. Romaniuk, M. Polischuk, L. Staretska. – 2nd ed., revised and corrected. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1997. – 288 p. (1.2 sheets).
  4. Fundamentals of Political Science: Lecture Course edited by B. Kukhta. – Part 2: Political Processes, Systems, and Institutions/ B. Kukhta, A. Romaniuk, L. Staretska, et al. – 2nd ed., revised and corrected. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1997. – 336 p. (2.4 sheets).
  5. Fundamentals of Political Science: Lecture Course edited by B. Kukhta. – Part 3: Political Consciousness and Culture/ B. Kukhta, L. Klymanska, A. Romaniuk, et al. – 2nd ed., revised and corrected. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1998. – 556 p. (1.0 sheet).
  6. Fundamentals of Political Science: Lecture Course edited by B. Kukhta. – Part 4: International Politics/ B. Kukhta, H. Tkachenko, L. Staretska, et al. – 2nd ed., revised and corrected. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1999. – 436 p. (0.5 sheet).
  7. Kukhta B., Romaniuk A., Polischuk M. Who’s Who in European and American Political Science? A Small Political Science Dictionary. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1995. – 287 p. (2.1 sheets).
  8. Who’s Who in American Political Science: A Small Political Science Dictionary / B. Kukhta, A. Romaniuk, M. Polischuk. Edited by B. Kukhta – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 1997. – 288 p. (2.5 sheets).
  9. Kukhta B., Romaniuk A., Staretska L., Uhyrin L., Krakivskyi O., Tkachenko H. Political Science. Dictionary: Categories, Concepts, and Terms. – Lviv: Kalvariya, 2003. – 500 p. (3.0 sheets).
  10. Political Science Encyclopedic Dictionary/ Compiler V.P. Horbatenko; Eds.: Yu.S. Shemchushenko, V.D. Babkin, V.P. Horbatenko. – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – Kyiv: Geneza, 2004. – 736 p. (0.5 sheet).
  11. Romaniuk A.S. History of Western Political Thought: Political Doctrines of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries: Textbook. – Kyiv: Znannia, 2011. – 255 p.
  12. Romaniuk A.S. Political Parties, Public Organizations, and Movements// Political Science: Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions / I.M. Koval, head of the author’s team. – Kharkiv: Folio, 2012 – P.181-205.
  13. Political Institutions of Central and Eastern European Countries: Comparative Analysis/ A.S. Romaniuk, V.S. Lytvyn, N.V. Panchak-Bialoblozka; edited by A.S. Romaniuk – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – 462 p.
  14. State of Israel: Politics and Society: Textbook/ V. Khanyin, A. Romaniuk, V. Chernin. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – 372 p. (4.3 sheets).

V. Materials from Scientific Conferences and Reviews

  1. Romaniuk A. Political Aspects of Local Self-Government Bodies Formation // Local Councils: Problems of Local Self-Government and Local Economy. Lviv Regional Scientific-Practical Conference. Abstracts of Reports and Messages (Lviv, February 13, 1990) – Lviv, 1990. – P. 33-34.
  2. Romaniuk A. Conflict-Compromise: Analysis of Value Orientations of Political Party Activists in Eastern and Western Ukraine // Political Opposition: Theory and History, Global Experience, and Ukrainian Practice. Materials of Scientific-Practical Conference. I.F. Kuras et al. – Kyiv, 1996. – P. 206-210.
  3. Integration and Disintegration Processes in the Party System of Ukraine// The Future of East-Central Europe. Ed. By A. Dumala & Z.J. Pietras. – Lublin: Maria Curie-Skladowska University Press. – 1996. – P. 504-509.
  4. Conflict-Compromise: Analysis of Value Orientations of Political Party Activists in Eastern and Western Ukraine // Political Opposition: Theory and History, Global Experience, and Ukrainian Practice. Materials of Scientific-Practical Conference. – Kyiv, 1996. – P. 206-210.
  5. Models of Political Definitions of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Process // Ukraine and Central Europe: Integration Problems and Prospects. Materials of the International Conference (Lviv, April 22-24, 1999)/ Ed. by Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S. – Lviv: CPD, 1999. – P. 69-74.
  6. Sources of Financing Political Parties’ Election Campaigns // International Conference “Political Finance: Regulation and Practice”. Kyiv, April 29, 2002. – Kyiv, 2002. – P. 111-114.
  7. Romaniuk A. Features of the Political Parties Institution in European Countries// Political and Legal Aspects of Political Parties Financing in Ukraine: Conference Materials (Lviv, June 27-28, 2003) – Lviv, Heneza, 2003. – P. 22-30.
  8. Government Stability in Western Europe and Ukraine: Measurement Indicators and Impact Factors // Transformation of Political Systems in Ukraine and Poland in the Context of European Integration: Conference Abstracts / Compilers: Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S. – Lviv: Publishing Center of Lviv National University, 2004. – P. 80-86.
  9. Expansion of the European Union – Consequences for Ukraine // Ukraine-Poland-Germany. Materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference “National Identity and European Integration: Ukraine-Poland-Germany”, held on September 15-19, 2003, at Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – Lviv, 2004. – P. 76-80.
  10. Assessment of the Prospects of Unofficial Financing of the Presidential Election Campaign on the Basis of the Law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Election of the President of Ukraine” of March 18, 2004 // Legal Regulation of the Presidential Elections in Ukraine: Conference Materials. Kyiv, April 28, 2004. – Kyiv: Nora-druk, 2004. – P. 40-42.
  11. Romaniuk A. Social Portrait of Protest Participants in Kiev on the Eve of the Repeat Voting During the Presidential Elections in Ukraine // Political Process in Ukraine in 2004: Regional Aspects (Conference Materials. Lviv, February 12, 2005)/Ed. Romaniuk A., Skochylas L. – Lviv: CPD, 2005. – P. 65-73.
  12. Parliamentary Elections of 2006 in Ukraine and Prospects of the Party System // Compliance with Democratic Standards in the Electoral Process in Ukraine in 2006: Materials of the Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference / Compiled by Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S. – Lviv: CPD of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – P. 39 – 47.
  13. Transformation of Centers of Influence in Lviv Region as a Result of the 2006 Elections // Formation of Government Bodies as a Result of the 2006 Election Process: Materials of the Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference, Lviv, June 17, 2006/ Compiled by A. Romaniuk, L. Skochylas. – Lviv: CPD of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2006. – P. 39-46.
  14. Main Trends in Changes in Left-Wing Parties in Western European Countries 1945-2007 // Abstracts of the Interdisciplinary Conference “Transformation of Paradigms of Thinking and Knowledge Concepts Under the Influence of Modern Challenges in General, Social, Practical, and Applied Philosophy”, November 29-30, 2007 / Responsible editor: A. Karas. – Lviv, 2007. – P. 76-78.
  15. Romaniuk A. Features of the Political Process in Lviv Region in 2007 // Regional Dimension of the Political Process in Ukraine in 2007: Materials of the Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference (Lviv, November 10, 2007)/ Compiled by Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S., Shymanova O.V. – Lviv: Heneza, 2007. – P. 33-37.
  16. Romaniuk A., Hayduk Y. Political System of Contemporary Ukraine and Western European Democracies: Comparative Analysis // Politology and International Relations. From European Communities to the European Union on the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaties of Rome. – Toruń: Adam Marszalek Publishing, 2007. – Vol. 2. – P. 277-284.
  17. Romaniuk A. Goals and Preconditions for Further Modification of Ukraine’s Electoral System in the Context of Comparative Analysis // Paths to Optimization of the Electoral System for Parliamentary and Local Elections in Ukraine: Reports, Speeches. Materials of the Round Table. – Kyiv: PC “Foliant,” 2007. – P. 103-108.
  18. Romaniuk A. Ideological Foundations of Political Parties and Movements in Modern Europe // Proceedings of the 1st Scientific-Practical Student Conference: Ideological Foundations of Socio-Political Systems. Political Ideologies: Transformation of Concepts in the Modern Context. – Lviv: Faculty of Philosophy of Ivan Franko Lviv National University: Center for Political Studies, 2009. – P. 4-9.
  19. Romaniuk A. “A Very Timely Book” // Political and Sociological Studies. Collection of Scientific Papers. Vol. XI. Thematic Issue: Theory and History of Political Science: Global and National Experience. – Chernivtsi: “Burek,” 2012. – P. 569-571.
  20. Romaniuk A.S. Elections as Science. Review of the Book: Shveda Y.R. Political Parties in Elections: Theory and Practice of Election Campaign. Educational and Methodological Manual. / Y. Shveda // Education of the Region: Political Science. Psychology. Communication. – 2012, No. 3. – P. 261.
  21. Romaniuk A. Political Opposition in Ukraine: Normative and Institutional Transformation // Constitution of Ukraine: Political and Legal Challenges and Prospects. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference (Lviv, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, June 26, 2014) – Lviv: PP Soroka T.B. – 2014. – P. 78-99.
  22. Romaniuk A. Political Context of Changes in the Ethnic Structure of Lviv Residents during the 20th-21st Centuries // Specifics of the Political Process in Central and Eastern European Countries: Conceptual and Institutional Factors. Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. Collective work edited by Z. Białobłocki and A. Romaniuk. – Kutno, June 26-27, 2015. – P. 137-141.
  23. Romaniuk A. Formation of a New Type of Political Party in the Context of Party Organization Transformation in Lviv Region during the Independence Period (1991-2016) // Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices: Collection of Articles and Abstracts Based on the Results of the Scientific Conference “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (In Memory of Yuri Romanovych Shveda) from October 8, 2016 / Edited by A. Romaniuk. – Lviv: Prostir-M, 2017. – P. 21-33.
  24. Romaniuk A. Political Context of Changes in the Ethnic Structure of Lviv Residents during the 20th-21st Centuries // Specifics of the Political Process in Central and Eastern European Countries: Conceptual and Institutional Factors. Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. Collective work edited by Z. Białobłocki and A. Romaniuk. – Kutno, June 26-27, 2015. – P. 137-141.
  25. Romaniuk A. Formation of a New Type of Political Party in the Context of Party Organization Transformation in Lviv Region during the Independence Period (1991-2016) // Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices: Collection of Articles and Abstracts Based on the Results of the Scientific Conference “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (In Memory of Yuri Romanovych Shveda) from October 8, 2016 / Edited by A. Romaniuk. – Lviv: Prostir-M, 2017. – P. 21-33.
  26. Romaniuk A. Elections to the Lviv Regional Council in 2015: Features of Law Implementation and Political Consequences // Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference “Electoral Processes in Ukraine: National Features and Regional Electoral Practices” (Uzhgorod, November 15, 2018). – Uzhgorod, 2018. – P. 36-43.
  27. Romaniuk A. Electoral Volatility at the Regional Level Based on the 2019 Election Campaign: Parameters and Influencing Factors // Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices: Collection of Articles and Abstracts Based on the Results of the Fourth International Scientific Conference “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (In Memory of Yuri Romanovych Shveda) from November 9, 2019 / Edited by Anatoliy Romaniuk and Vitaliy Lytvyn. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2020. Issue 4. P. 8–17 (0.7 academic credits).
  28. Romaniuk A. Assessment of the Populist Component in the Pre-Election Programs of the Parties of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 9th Convocation // Problems of Security in the Processes of Political and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern European Countries: Materials of the International Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Conference / Edited by Zbigniew Bialoblocki, Anatoliy Romaniuk, and Vitaliy Lytvyn. Kutno: Higher School of National Economy, 2019. P. 128–136 (0.48 academic credits).

VІ. Analitycals materials

  1. Political Parties in Lviv Region on the Eve of the 2006 Elections: Handbook-Guide // Compiled by: Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S. – Lviv: CPD of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2005. – 188 pages.
  2. Romaniuk A., Skochylas L., et al. Socio-Political Situation in Lviv Region During the 2006 Election Campaign. – Lviv: CPD, 2006. – 124 pages.
  3. Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S., et al. Socio-Political Situation in Lviv Region in April 2006 – March 2007. – Lviv: CPD, 2007. – 116 pages.
  4. Hrabovska S., Romaniuk A., Skochylas L., et al. State of Civil Society in Ukraine: Interregional Overview and Lviv Region. – Lviv: CPD, 2007. – 96 pages.
  5. Romaniuk A., Skochylas L., Shveda Y., et al. Early Parliamentary Elections 2007: Analytical Report on the Results of the Electoral Process Monitoring in Lviv Region. – Lviv: CPD, 2007. – 136 pages.
  6. Administrative Reform in Ukraine: Expert Assessments. – Lviv: CPD, 2009. – 28 pages. (A. Romaniuk, Y. Sokyrka, L. Skochylas, O. Shymanova).
  7. Constitutional Reform in Ukraine: Past and Present. – Lviv: CPD, 2009. – 36 pages. (A. Romaniuk, L. Balutska, Y. Sokyrka, L. Skochylas, O. Shymanova).
  8. Romaniuk A., Skochylas L. Lviv Region-2008: Analysis of State Policy at the Regional Level (Information-Analytical Report). – Lviv: CPD, 2009. – 144 pages.
  9. Romaniuk A.S., Sokyrka Y.M., et al. From Unity to Independence: State and Dynamics of Integration of Ukrainian Society in the Context of European Processes. – Lviv: CPD, 2009. – 140 pages.
  10. Balutska L., Melnykova N., Romaniuk A., et al. Prospects of Political Reform in Ukraine in the Context of the 2010 Presidential Elections. – Lviv: CPD, 2010. – 132 pages.
  11. Romaniuk A.S. Prospects for Unity of Ukraine in Light of the 2010 Presidential Elections // Unity of Ukraine in Light of the 2010 Presidential Election Campaign: Round Table Materials / Compiled by Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S. – Lviv: CPD, 2010. – P. 8 – 14.
  12. Romaniuk A.S., Skochylas L.S., et al. Electoral Map of Lviv Region in an Interregional Context. – Lviv: CPD, 2010. – 168 pages.
  13. Balutska L., Melnykova N., Romaniuk A., et al. Prospects of Political Reform in Ukraine in the Context of the 2010 Presidential Elections. – Lviv: CPD, 2010. – 132 pages.