Imagine that you are one of the leaders of a newly independent state. Up until now, the entire political process was built on autocratic principles, and the level of democratization required significant improvement.

Today, you have the opportunity to engage in constitutional/institutional engineering and democratization. Your political system can vary: your country may be unitary centralized, unitary decentralized, or federal. The same goes for the system of government: you can choose between presidential, parliamentary, or mixed.

By referring to the model of relations “Head of State-Parliament-Government,” you can implement institutional changes that will contribute to sustainable democratic development. The success of the state’s activities will determine whether it can join a prestigious international or supranational organization, similar to the EU.

Three teams, each consisting of 4 participants, will have the opportunity to take part in the state-building process, representing countries on the path of transition.

Independent observers and experts will also be present at the game, evaluating the effectiveness of the reconstruction strategies from each team.

Interested in taking on this challenging state-building task? Then join us on December 6 at 3:00 PM! The game will take place in Room 201, the main building of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

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The educational game is prepared and organized by the Department of Political Science and the student society “Polis” with financial support from the European Union under the “Erasmus+ Program” in the direction of “Jean Monnet for Higher Education.”