Let’s imagine that you are one of the leaders of a state that has just gained independence. Until this moment, the entire political process was built on the principles of autocracy, and the level of democratization needed significant improvements.

Today, the possibilities of constitutional/institutional engineering and democratization are open to you. Your political system can vary: your country has unitary centralized, unitary decentralized and federal. The situation is similar with the system of government: such as presidential, parliamentary and mixed are available.

Referring to the “Head of State-Parliament-Government” relationship model, you can implement such institutional changes that contribute to sustainable democratic development. Whether it will be able to join a prestigious international or supranational organization similar to the EU will depend on the state’s success.

3 teams of 4 participants each will be able to join the process of building states, which will represent the states that are on the path of transition.

Independent observers and experts will also be present at the game, who will evaluate the effectiveness of the rebuilding strategies of each of the teams.

Interested in such a difficult state-building task?

Then we will meet on December 6 at 15:00!

Source on Facebook

The venue of the game is auditorium 201, the main building of LNU named after I. Franko.
The educational game was prepared and organized by the Department of Political Science and the student society “Polis” with the financial support of the European Union as part of the “Erasmus+ Program” under the direction “Jean Monet for Higher Education”.