On November 25, the international scientific conference of the Department of Political Science titled “Institutional, Party, and Electoral Factors of the Political Process in Ukraine and Other European Countries in Times of War and Uncertainty: National, Supranational, and Subnational Levels” took place. It is the eighth in a series of international scientific conferences “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices” (in memory of Yuriy Shveda), organized by the Department of Political Science at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Center for Political Studies in Lviv.

Each thematic section of the conference featured presentations from researchers, lecturers, and experts from various countries. Most of the presentations focused on the structuring of the political process, the impact of the electoral process on political and party spheres, and the transformation of parties and civil society organizations at different levels of governance.

The international representation at the conference included the following countries: the United Kingdom (University of Birmingham), Poland (Wrocław), Slovakia (Prešov), Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University), Israel (Bar-Ilan University), and Finland (University of Helsinki).

Among the Ukrainian academic community, participants included Uzhhorod National University, National University “Ostroh Academy,” Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukrainian Catholic University, and other leading higher education institutions and analytical centers.

A collection of theses and articles based on the conference will be prepared, so stay tuned for updates on the Department’s page.

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The international scientific conference was organized with financial support from the European Union under the “Erasmus+ Program” in the direction of “Jean Monnet for Higher Education.”