We invite you to participate in the international scientific conference ‘Institutional, Party, and Electoral Factors of the Political Process in Ukraine and other European countries in the Conditions of War and Uncertainty: National, Supranational, and Subnational Levels.’ The conference is organized as part of the series of international scientific conferences by the Department of Political Science at Ivan Franko Lviv National University and the Center for Political Studies in Lviv, titled ‘Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and Global Practices’ (in memory of Yuriy Shved).

Yuriy Romanovych Shveda (*1964 – †2016) was an associate professor and doctoral student at the Department of Political Science at Ivan Franko Lviv National University until 2016. He was a Ukrainian political scientist, party researcher, and psephologist, as well as a political theorist and practitioner. He authored educational courses such as ‘History and Theory of Political Parties,’ ‘Party Studies,’ ‘Psephology,’ ‘Political Communication,’ ‘Communication Theory,’ ‘Parties and Party System of Ukraine,’ ‘Party Systems of the World,’ ‘Election Campaign Technology,’ ‘Fundamentals of Democracy,’ and others.

📅 Date: November 25 at 10:00 AM – start of the plenary session of the conference by sections (November 24 – meetings of the organizing committee and editorial board)

📢 Format: Hybrid (in-person and remote)

🌍 Working languages: English, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, etc.

🏛️ Venue: Lviv, 1 Universytetska Street, Room 220 (conference hall)

👥 Registration / online entry for conference participants: 09:45 – 10:00

🌐 To join the conference online, please use the link (click) or scan the QR code:


Opening Remarks and Official Conference Opening 10:00 – 10:15
Section 1 Institutional, Party, and Electoral Frameworks, Factors, and Determinants of Political Process Structuring, Multilevel Governance, and EU/NATO Membership/Integration: Experience of European Countries for Ukraine 10:15 – 12:30

Section Leader – Prof. Vitaliy Lytvyn

Section 2 Electoral Process and Party Politics in Ukraine and Other European Countries in Conditions of War and Uncertainty: Institutional, Security, and Communication Factors and Consequences 13:15 – 15:30

Section Leader – Prof. Anatoliy Romaniuk

Section 3 Structural, Organizational, and Ideological Factors and Frameworks for the Functioning and Transformation of Parties and Civil Society Organizations at Various Levels of Politics and Governance in Ukraine and Other European Countries 15:45 – 17:50

Section Leader – Assoc. Prof. Gennadiy Shypunov

Summary and Official Closing of the Conference 17:50 – 18:00


🌐 The consolidated program of the international scientific conference can be downloaded by following the link (click).

📢 Conference participants upon request will receive certificates indicating the total number of academic hours – 60 hours (2 ECTS credits). Additionally, participants’ materials will be published in electronic and printed versions of the conference proceedings.

The international scientific conference is organized with the financial support of the European Union under the “Erasmus+” program, within the “Jean Monnet for Higher Education” direction (Module “Political Institutions and Systems in Europe: Comparison and Experience for Ukraine,” No. 101126702).

Financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Culture and Education. Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.