Meetings on the basis of the NGO “Center for Political Studies” and the multi-purpose platform

Initiation, formation and functioning of a multi-purpose platform and area for education, practice, research, debates and interactions between the academic community, students, authorities and active civil society for discussion and possible implementation of the best experience of functioning of European political institutions, systems and practices, as well as for further democratization and European integration of Ukraine. Involvement of the NGO “Center for Political Studies” for the organization and holding formal and informal meetings within a multipurpose platform and area for education, practice, research, debates and interactions. The project team will use various resources, practical and analytical experience of the NGO “Center for Political Studies” for such activities as: covering European political and institutional topics in research, education and analysis; involving experts and students, including for students to undergo their practice, as well as part of training and solving educational, research and analytical tasks; conducting research and holding formal or informal meetings, debates and interactions between various project participants.

Activities carried out:

Annual debate or other team competitions among students on the subject of political institutions and systems in the EU and European countries

Functioning of a student circle, club or society (in particular, the student society “Polis. Center for Policy and Analytics”), which focus on educational, research and applied tasks, including on the issues of political institutions and systems in the EU, European countries and Ukraine. Holding annual debate or other team competitions among students on the subject of the project. The student club/society and the competitions themself will focus on educational, research and applied tasks, including on the issues of political institutions and systems in the EU, European countries and Ukraine. These competitions will make it possible to deepen student knowledge about the EU, European political institutions and systems, will be a good tool for students to express their opinions on this matter, as well as a tool to demonstrate and improve their skills in debates, competitiveness, public speeches, etc.

Activities carried out:

Annual Alumni talks “Political institutions and systems matter”

Preparation and holding annual Alumni talks “Political institutions and systems matter”, where the features, results, prospects for further development and possible shortcomings of the educational process on the issues of the EU/European political institutions and systems will be discussed. This will take place under a multi-purpose platform and area for education, practice, research, debates and interactions between the academic community, students, authorities and active civil society. At the same time, annual Alumni talks “Political institutions and systems matter” will necessarily be held based on the results of the project’s academic/training courses. Therefore, these activities will necessarily take place after the completion of training courses in each year of the project. In fact, the Alumni talks will be the final meeting that will summarize the results of the module in each year of its implementation.