We invite you to participate in the eighth international scientific conference of the Department of Political Science of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Center for Political Studies in Lviv “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices” (in memory of Yuri Romanovych Shveda).

The international scientific conference will be organized and held with the support of the European Union within the framework of the “Erasmus+ Program” under the direction “Jean Monnet for higher education” (project “Political institutions and systems in Europe: comparison and experience for Ukraine”, No. 101126702).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The theme of this year’s international conference is “Institutional, party, and electoral factors of the political process in Ukraine and other European countries in conditions of war and uncertainty: national, supranational, and subnational levels.”

The conference will tentatively be held on November 24-25, 2023 at the address: Lviv, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, str. University 1.

The format of the conference is mixed (face-to-face and distance). In case of changes, it will be informed. Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English, Polish, Slovak, Czech and others.

This year’s international scientific conference will be held in the following scientific sections:

  1. Institutional, party and electoral frameworks, factors and determinants of the structuring of the political process, multi-level governance and membership/integration in the EU and NATO: the experience of European countries for Ukraine.
  2. Electoral process and party politics in Ukraine and other European countries in conditions of war and uncertainty: institutional, security and communication factors and consequences.
  3. Structural, organizational and ideological factors and frameworks of functioning and transformation of parties and organizations of civil society at different levels of politics and governance in Ukraine and other European countries.

The sections of the conference will work alternately and will be organized according to the traditional principle. The technical and regulatory features of the conference will be determined later and informed about it.

Based on the results of the scientific conference, it is planned to publish the eighth and regular collection of scientific articles and theses of its participants – “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices”.

The organizing committee of the conference establishes a list of requirements for participation in it:

1) to register your participation in the conference, you need to fill out the registration form at the link by November 10, 2023;

2) by November 17, 2023, send to the e-mail address of the professor of the Department of Political Science Lytvyn Vitaliy Serhiyovych (lytvyn.vitaliy@gmail.com) the full text of the article or theses of the speech at the conference, prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth below.

Requirements for writing articles and abstracts of speeches at the international scientific conference “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices”:

  • the maximum volume of the article manuscript is 1 printed sheet (40,000 characters), and the abstract of the presentation is 0.5 printed sheet (20,000 characters) in A4 format, with 14 point, Times New Roman font, 1 line spacing, paragraph indentation 1 cm;
  • margins: bottom, top, left and right – 2 cm;
  • references in square brackets immediately after the citation and in alphabetical order in the list of sources used;
  • the list of used sources in alphabetical order after the text of the article/thesis of the speech: first in Latin, then in Cyrillic.

The template of requirements for the design of articles or abstracts of speeches can be downloaded from the link.

The organizing committee of the conference (according to formal criteria and on the basis of secret peer review) reserves the right to select the materials of articles and theses for publication, and also has the right to reject them if they do not correspond to the conference theme outlined above, the selected scientific sections or the established design requirements. and also do not meet the quality, scientific and novelty criteria of the materials. The organizing committee can establish (and undertakes to inform about it) additional requirements for manuscripts of articles and theses, which may be due to the inclusion of the collection “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices” in international scientometric databases.

Based on the results of receiving and processing applications for participation in the conference, its program will be formed, which will be presented later.

We would like to inform you that you can download and familiarize yourself with the collections and materials of seven previous international scientific conferences “Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices” at the link.

For additional information, we suggest contacting the professor of the Department of Political Science Lytvyn Vitaliy Serhiyovych (lytvyn.vitaliy@gmail.com), as well as the professor and head of the Department of Political Science Anatoliy Semenovych Romanyuk (anatoliy.romanyuk@gmail.com).

We welcome the dissemination of information about our international scientific conference and would be glad for your participation. This scientific conference announcement in a consolidated form can be downloaded from the link.