On October 1-3, an important international event took place in the framework of the INTERADIS project at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) at Rivne. The purpose of the meetings was to discuss problems and solutions regarding the adaptation of exchange students to higher educational institutions in Ukraine, as well as to exchange experiences and best practices of partner universities during the implementation of the project.

The event was attended by Svizinska Roksolyana, a specialist in the development and fundraising department, and Anastasia Matviychuk, head of the marketing and communications department, from Lviv University. Students of our educational institution also took part in the meetings to share practical student experiences: Vladyslav Gaevsky, a third-year bachelor of philosophy faculty, and Julia Osidach, a third-year bachelor of philology faculty.

All consortium representatives presented their own strategies and practical developments, which are used in partner universities for the effective integration of students from other countries. A special emphasis was placed on the methods of providing high-quality psychological support and forming a favourable educational environment aimed at meeting the needs of foreign students. Also, during the meetings, the representatives discussed issues of cooperation between the university, business and government, and ways to solve problems related to the adaptation and integration of foreign students at the state level.

Students had the opportunity to participate in a rich program that included various trainings and workshops. The informal atmosphere of the event contributed to a deeper acquaintance with international students who willingly shared their learning experiences. Evaluating the importance of the project, the student of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Yuliia Osidach noted: “The INTERADIS project is an important component of our university’s strategy aimed at supporting and developing the intercultural student community. This initiative provides exchange students not only with academic assistance but also with opportunities for active integration in the cultural and social life of Ukraine. This approach helps to form graduates who possess confidence, knowledge and readiness for the challenges of the globalized world, and also promotes the development of intercultural dialogue and cooperation.”

As part of a rich program of meetings, all participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the cultural features of the city of Rivne during the excursion, which contributed to a deeper understanding of local traditions, and at the same time to the strengthening of inter-institutional ties and the development of professional and friendly relations between partners.

This event became a significant stage in the improvement of the process of adaptation of exchange students in Ukrainian universities, which in turn increased the competitiveness of Ukrainian education at the international level.