![]() | Oleksiy Vinnychenko is Docent in the Department of Ancient History of Ukraine and Archival Studies at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. His research focuses on the Ukrainian provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and he participates in teaching the course “The Commonwealth of Three Nations: history and myth” under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1997), later took up his post-graduate studies (aspirantura) in history at the same university (1997–2000). Qualification: He received his C.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 2002. Publications: He is the author of Rodzice, krewni i powinowaci a pamięć rodowa szlachty województwa ruskiego w XVII wieku (w świetle akt sejmikowych deductionis nobilitatis) in: Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe 6 (2014), Infida Pax: moskovs’ka ta shveds’ka polityka Rechi Pospolytoi i Vladyslava IV ochyma shliakhty Rus’koho i Belz’koho voievodstv (za seimykovymy instruktsiiamy poslam na seimy 1633–1647 rokiv) in: Theatrum Humanae Vitae. Studii na poshanu Natali Iakovenko (2012), Dovedennia shliakhetstva na seimykakh Rus’koho voievodstva u Vyshni (XVII – seredyna XVIII st.): pravova reglamentatsiia i povsiakdenna praktyka in: Povsiakdennia ranniomodernoi Ukrainy. Istorychni studii v dvokh tomakh 1 (2012). Personal page |
![]() | Stepan Kacharaba runs the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. His research focuses on population mobility in Central Europe, with special attention to Ukrainian emigration in the 19th – 20th centuries and he participates in teaching the course “Living conditions, Violence and Population Changes in Modern Central Europe” as well as contributes to research seminar under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1985). Qualification: He received his C.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1990 and D.Sc. degree in history from the same university in 2003. Publications: His works include Emigratsiia z Zakhidnoi Ukrainy (1919–1939) (2003), Etnodemografichnyi rozvytok Halychyny za umov avstriis’koho panuvannia in: Halychyna: etnichna istoriia (2009), Z Halychyny do Ameryky: podorozh ukrains’koho emigranta (kinets’ XIX – pochatok XX st.) in: Lwów: miasto-spoleczeństwo-kultura 9 (2014). Personal page |
![]() | Mykhailo Kril’ is Professor in the Department of the History of Central and Eastern Europe at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and his research focuses on the national and cultural mosaic of Austria and Austria-Hungary. He participates in teaching the course “The Habsburg Monarchy as Central Europe’s history and nostalgia” and contributes to research seminar under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1979), later took up his post-graduate studies (aspirantura) in history (1980–1984) and doctoral studies (doktorantura) in history (1996–1999) at the same university. Qualification: He received his C.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1985 and D.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2000. Publications: His books include Istoriia Tsentral’no-Skhidnoi Ievropy (kinets’ XX – pochatok XXI st.) (2013), Istoriia Slovachchyny (2006), Slovians’ki narody Avstriis’koi monarkhii: osvitni ta naukovi vzaiemyny. 1772–1867 (1999). Personal page |
![]() | Mar’ian Mudryi is Docent in the Department of Modern Ukrainian History at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In his sphere of interests are Ukrainian-Polish relations in the nineteenth century and he participates in teaching the course “The Shaping of Modern Central Europe: Habsburg modernization and Slavonic politics” under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1992), later took up his post-graduate studies (aspirantura) in history (1992–1995) and doctoral studies (doktorantura) in history (2001–2004) at the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv. Qualification: He received his C.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1997. Publications: He is the author of Powstanie styczniowe a środowisko gente Rutheni, natione Poloni w Galicji in: Powstanie styczniowe – odniesienia, interpretacje, pamięć (2013), Ewolucja stosunków polsko-ukraińskich w Galicji w drugiej połowie XIX wieku w świetle badań współczesnych historyków ukraińskich in: Widziane z zewnątrz 2 (2011), Poszukiwania tożsamości narodowej i pojęcie ojczyzny w dziewiętnastowiecznej Galicji (na przykładzie „gente Rutheni, natione Poloni”) in: „Duża i mała ojczyzna” w świadomości historycznej, źródłach i edukacji (2010). Personal page |
![]() | Tamara Poleshchuk is Docent in the Department of the History of Central and Eastern Europe at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. A specialist on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russia, she participates in teaching the course “Coming to terms with the recent past: national memory and the post-Communist transition in Central-Eastern Europe” under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: She graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1980), later took up her post-graduate studies (aspirantura) in history at the same university (1983–1986). Qualification: She received her C.Sc. degree in history from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1986. Publications: Her works include Istoriia Rosii XIX – pochatku XX stolittia (2008), Ukrainian-Russian relations in the context of mutual myths and stereotypes in: Przeglad stosunkow miedzynarodowych. The International Affairs Review 1(153) (2006), Rosiis’ka gromads’ka dumka ta ukrains’kyi kul’turno-natsional’nyi rukh (1863–1876) in: Visnyk L’vivs’koho universytetu. Seriia istorychna 34 (1999). Personal page |
![]() | Roman Syrota is Docent in the Department of the History of Central and Eastern Europe at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. He is presently working on a study of East-West relations with special attention to the constructing of Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century and participates in teaching the course “Central Europe in the international relations of European states, 1918 till now” under the Master’s program in history at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studies: He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in history (1994), later took up his post-graduate studies (aspirantura) in history (1994–1997) and doctoral studies (doktorantura) in history (2006–2009) at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Qualification: He received his C.Sc. degree in history from the Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine) in 1998. Publications: He is the author of “With a Strong Peace in View”: The Geopolitics of Eastern European Revolutions, 1918–1921, Reconsidered in: Harvard Ukrainian Studies 29 (2007), „The New Europe” i brytans’kyi dyskurs Ukrainy 1916–1920 rokiv: pereproektuvannia Evropy in: Zapysky Naukovogo tovarystva imeni Shevchenka 251 (2006), Ukrainian Studies in Interwar Great Britain: Good Intentions, Major Obstacles in: Harvard Ukrainian Studies 27 (2004–2005). Personal page |