The program specialization Central Europe through history: from multinational monarchies to the V4 cooperation is comprised of two module groups – taught modules and research module.
The taught modules are carried out in the first and second semesters and serve the purpose to learn key topics on modern Central Europe with a special emphasis on memory studies. The courses of these modules (up to two per module) are offered in such a way that no module can be completed prior to the previous one. The courses of the taught modules are these of the compulsory subjects of the curriculum with a written examination at the end.
The research module lasts four semesters and has an immanent examination character. In the research module students will enable to develop their own research projects in the field of modern Central European history and establish the suitable methodology and theoretical underpinnings. The research module will take form of research seminar in the first three semesters and individual consultations in the last one with the aim to advise students on their research topics. Research seminar will include at least one workshop per a semester at which students have to present their findings before the module can be completed.